Monday, August 30, 2010
Room 5 Visits Mossbrae 28 - 8 - 10
Last Thursday we visited our friends at Mossbrae by singing some songs, chatting and generally brightening up each others day. The children just love going there and they get such a great welcome that they do all sorts of amazing things like making up dances, performing magic tricks, playing the guitar and sharing some of their school work. It is a special time. here are a few pics of our latest visit.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Cross Country Challenge 27 - 8 - 10
Today we ran the cross country over at the Rec. It was a hard challenging race. Here are some thoughts about it: I was pooped, puffed and tired - Josh; I enjoyed hearing the people cheering me on - Lilly; I had a sore leg bt I didn't get the stitch - Tom; I felt like was about to faint - Anahera; The hardest part was keeping up the right speed - Jaylah; After the race I felt dizzy - Stacy; I did not know it woulb be this sore - Alex; It was fun and I really enjoyed it - Chanse; You all did so well Room 5 and I was so proud of all your efforts and the way you encouraged each other on too.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Watching the Ploughing Competitions
Last Friday we went to see the ploughing. The field was really muddy and it stunk really badly. It was very interesting to watch the tractors go in a straight line. We had to stand behind a line to make sure when the tractors turned around they wouldn’t hit us or hurt us. We walked around and looked at different types of tractors from long ago. We also saw some Clydesdale horses ploughing too. They are awesome horses with huge shaggy feet that look like they have furry boots on! The day was warm and sunny and a nice way of getting out of schoolwork!!
Last Friday we went to see the ploughing. The field was really muddy and it stunk really badly. It was very interesting to watch the tractors go in a straight line. We had to stand behind a line to make sure when the tractors turned around they wouldn’t hit us or hurt us. We walked around and looked at different types of tractors from long ago. We also saw some Clydesdale horses ploughing too. They are awesome horses with huge shaggy feet that look like they have furry boots on! The day was warm and sunny and a nice way of getting out of schoolwork!!
Cycle Safety
Cycle Safety By Lilly
On Wednesday Mr Somerfield came and we did a cycle test around the school courts. There were mini traffic lights, hazards and give way signs. First we rode around the cones in a big line and then Mr Somerfield put the traffic lights on. We had to stop the mini give way sign because that is the rule when you bike on the road. We had to go round the road and put our hands out to indicate round the corner. The hardest bit was when we had to see how slowly we could ride our bikes without wobbling or loosing control. It was fun.
On Wednesday Mr Somerfield came and we did a cycle test around the school courts. There were mini traffic lights, hazards and give way signs. First we rode around the cones in a big line and then Mr Somerfield put the traffic lights on. We had to stop the mini give way sign because that is the rule when you bike on the road. We had to go round the road and put our hands out to indicate round the corner. The hardest bit was when we had to see how slowly we could ride our bikes without wobbling or loosing control. It was fun.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Lachlan Remembers Our Mossbrae Visit
Last term Room5 went to Mossbrae to visit the old folks. We left after play because we were busy after lunch. When we got there we started singings our super awesome songs called Dad I want to be a Camel and another song. After the songs we showed them our baby eggs we had to look after for two days so I went to show my egg Frank to Courtland’s cool parish buddy then some other people.
I thought in my head this is fun and cool because we showed our eggs.
I can’t wait to go there again.
I thought in my head this is fun and cool because we showed our eggs.
I can’t wait to go there again.
Connor's Amazing Cricket Story
Last term we had cricket and it was all the schools like Mosgiel schools and Dunedin schools. We went in car groups and I was in Josh’s car. It was in the Edgar Centre. It was warm in there too. Soon we played cricket .We all had positions like front, back and side .I mostly was front. But we did it to get strong and muscly.
I enjoyed doing the throwing and batting because you could throw it hard and with the batting you could really smack it and I got one mighty hit.
Last term we had cricket and it was all the schools like Mosgiel schools and Dunedin schools. We went in car groups and I was in Josh’s car. It was in the Edgar Centre. It was warm in there too. Soon we played cricket .We all had positions like front, back and side .I mostly was front. But we did it to get strong and muscly.
I enjoyed doing the throwing and batting because you could throw it hard and with the batting you could really smack it and I got one mighty hit.
Happy Birthday Stacy!!!!
Stacy, I hope you have had a fantastic birthday. I loved working with your class in the suite today!
Mrs K
Mrs K
Grace's Miniball Story
Last night we had a game of miniball and we were playing Elm grove. I shot the first goal and the parents started cheering. I felt like I was a queen. Then it was the buzzer to remind us that it was quarter time. I had to go out so I was playing with Emma. We were looking out from the highest step and were counting the scores. Then it was the 3rd quarter. I whizzed over to the court. First our team started with the ball but then the other team stole the ball off us so we stole it back. The crowd cheered again. But then I realise that Josh got hurt. Then the game was over.
After that I was hot and bothered and had a huge drink. We went to subway and had it for tea it was so yummy. When I went home I was proud of myself and then did my homework.
Last night we had a game of miniball and we were playing Elm grove. I shot the first goal and the parents started cheering. I felt like I was a queen. Then it was the buzzer to remind us that it was quarter time. I had to go out so I was playing with Emma. We were looking out from the highest step and were counting the scores. Then it was the 3rd quarter. I whizzed over to the court. First our team started with the ball but then the other team stole the ball off us so we stole it back. The crowd cheered again. But then I realise that Josh got hurt. Then the game was over.
After that I was hot and bothered and had a huge drink. We went to subway and had it for tea it was so yummy. When I went home I was proud of myself and then did my homework.
Laura's Kiwi Golf Story
Kiwi Golf
On Monday the 15th March we played golf with Melanie. First she talked about how to hold a golf club. Then she put us in groups of three. We had to hit the big orange ball. Melanie said, when I blow my whistle you hit the ball. I went to stand by the tee and picked up the golf club. Then she blew her whistle and I smacked the ball. It didn’t go very far. Next we had to hit the tennis ball. When it was my turn I hit the ball like a cupcake falling off the table. On my second try I smacked the ball into the air and it whizzed like a rocket. I was as happy as a dog when it goes for walks. The next ball was a rubber golf ball. It was hard to get it to stay on the tee. When it stayed on I picked up the club and put my hands the right way and I smacked the ball into space like a meteor. That day I learnt how to hold the golf club the write way round and how to hit different sized balls.
By Laura
On Monday the 15th March we played golf with Melanie. First she talked about how to hold a golf club. Then she put us in groups of three. We had to hit the big orange ball. Melanie said, when I blow my whistle you hit the ball. I went to stand by the tee and picked up the golf club. Then she blew her whistle and I smacked the ball. It didn’t go very far. Next we had to hit the tennis ball. When it was my turn I hit the ball like a cupcake falling off the table. On my second try I smacked the ball into the air and it whizzed like a rocket. I was as happy as a dog when it goes for walks. The next ball was a rubber golf ball. It was hard to get it to stay on the tee. When it stayed on I picked up the club and put my hands the right way and I smacked the ball into space like a meteor. That day I learnt how to hold the golf club the write way round and how to hit different sized balls.
By Laura
Jack's Story About Room 5's Library Sing Along
This term my class went to the library to sing. We did it because it was NZ music month while we were singing people were taking photos.
I thought we were awesome at singing because we were clearly and respectfully. Suddenly we were finished then we left. We got two vouchers to use there. The people were so proud they thought we were brilliant.
I thought we were awesome at singing because we were clearly and respectfully. Suddenly we were finished then we left. We got two vouchers to use there. The people were so proud they thought we were brilliant.
Anahera's Softball Story
Yesterday we went to over to the Rec, to do some softball with Mrs Burns. We got put into groups. My group did the batting first and the others did the fielding. Some people tapped the ball gently and others smacked it hard. We had to wear a helmet when batting and a big glove when we were fielding, and it was as hard as fighting a bear! We had to run around the bases as fast as lightning. Some people were sprinting past me like a cheetah. We had a wonderful time learning some softball skills. Thank you Mrs Burns!
By Anahera
Yesterday we went to over to the Rec, to do some softball with Mrs Burns. We got put into groups. My group did the batting first and the others did the fielding. Some people tapped the ball gently and others smacked it hard. We had to wear a helmet when batting and a big glove when we were fielding, and it was as hard as fighting a bear! We had to run around the bases as fast as lightning. Some people were sprinting past me like a cheetah. We had a wonderful time learning some softball skills. Thank you Mrs Burns!
By Anahera
Laura's Kiwi Golf Story
Kiwi Golf
On Monday the 15th March we played golf with Melanie. First she talked about how to hold a golf club. Then she put us in groups of three. We had to hit the big orange ball. Melanie said, when I blow my whistle you hit the ball. I went to stand by the tee and picked up the golf club. Then she blew her whistle and I smacked the ball. It didn’t go very far. Next we had to hit the tennis ball. When it was my turn I hit the ball like a cupcake falling off the table. On my second try I smacked the ball into the air and it whizzed like a rocket. I was as happy as a dog when it goes for walks. The next ball was a rubber golf ball. It was hard to get it to stay on the tee. When it stayed on I picked up the club and put my hands the right way and I smacked the ball into space like a meteor. That day I learnt how to hold the golf club the write way round and how to hit different sized balls.
By Laura
On Monday the 15th March we played golf with Melanie. First she talked about how to hold a golf club. Then she put us in groups of three. We had to hit the big orange ball. Melanie said, when I blow my whistle you hit the ball. I went to stand by the tee and picked up the golf club. Then she blew her whistle and I smacked the ball. It didn’t go very far. Next we had to hit the tennis ball. When it was my turn I hit the ball like a cupcake falling off the table. On my second try I smacked the ball into the air and it whizzed like a rocket. I was as happy as a dog when it goes for walks. The next ball was a rubber golf ball. It was hard to get it to stay on the tee. When it stayed on I picked up the club and put my hands the right way and I smacked the ball into space like a meteor. That day I learnt how to hold the golf club the write way round and how to hit different sized balls.
By Laura
Josh's Write up about Choir 2010
2010 Music Festival
On the 17th and 18th of June we had a music festival at Hislop Hall in Mosgiel. We sang just one person, Seasons of love, for good, E hoki mai ra, national anthem, Michael Jackson medley and our own school Abba medley. The first songs we sang were the national anthem and E hoki mai ra.
Then the orchestra played the imperial march. Taieri College then did their own songs. Then we sang for good and seasons of love. I was really nervous and scared. Next it was our medley. I got up and slowly walked onto stage. We started singing. I was so nervous that I nearly wet my pants. We went back on stage and silver stream sang their songs. Then everyone stood up and we sang just one person and the Michael Jackson medley.
For just one person the lights went off and we had one glow stick waving round on stage. At the end there were millions of glow sticks waving on stage. My Mum said it looked amazing. Then we finished off with the last schools doing their medleys. The farewell song was for good. Then we finished.
By Josh
On the 17th and 18th of June we had a music festival at Hislop Hall in Mosgiel. We sang just one person, Seasons of love, for good, E hoki mai ra, national anthem, Michael Jackson medley and our own school Abba medley. The first songs we sang were the national anthem and E hoki mai ra.
Then the orchestra played the imperial march. Taieri College then did their own songs. Then we sang for good and seasons of love. I was really nervous and scared. Next it was our medley. I got up and slowly walked onto stage. We started singing. I was so nervous that I nearly wet my pants. We went back on stage and silver stream sang their songs. Then everyone stood up and we sang just one person and the Michael Jackson medley.
For just one person the lights went off and we had one glow stick waving round on stage. At the end there were millions of glow sticks waving on stage. My Mum said it looked amazing. Then we finished off with the last schools doing their medleys. The farewell song was for good. Then we finished.
By Josh
Lilly's Mossbrae Story
Mossbrae visit 19/3/10
On Friday my class and I went to Mossbrae rest home. We walked there with our eggs (being very careful). By that time my egg had cracked, but Stacy gave her surgery! When we got there we walked like we were so excited down the hallway, waving to people in their rooms. Once we got to their lounge we sat down smiling away. Mrs Dillon asked if anyone would like to say something about their egg. Jaylah stood up and said something about her egg. We started to sing our songs. At the end we sang John Browns baby and they absolutely loved it! The elderly were smiling so much! Then we went around and showed our eggs! I was telling the residents what had happened to my egg and asked them if they were having a good day. Jaylah and I got left behind so we were racing a lady in a wheel chair! The Mossbrae visit was exciting and a great experience.
On Friday my class and I went to Mossbrae rest home. We walked there with our eggs (being very careful). By that time my egg had cracked, but Stacy gave her surgery! When we got there we walked like we were so excited down the hallway, waving to people in their rooms. Once we got to their lounge we sat down smiling away. Mrs Dillon asked if anyone would like to say something about their egg. Jaylah stood up and said something about her egg. We started to sing our songs. At the end we sang John Browns baby and they absolutely loved it! The elderly were smiling so much! Then we went around and showed our eggs! I was telling the residents what had happened to my egg and asked them if they were having a good day. Jaylah and I got left behind so we were racing a lady in a wheel chair! The Mossbrae visit was exciting and a great experience.
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